
FIMMWAVE Release v7.3
● CAD-like 3D view of FIMMPROP Devices
● FDM Solver: Improved meshing of “IncrementalRIX” shapes in an MWG Waveguide
● FEM Solver: Improved meshing of overlapping shapes in an MWG Waveguide
● FEM Solver: Changed technique for modeling of bend modes by the FEM Solver, to now be rigorous calculation
● FEM and FDM Solvers: Now uses multi-threading for speed improvement
● Various bug fixes

PICWave Release v6.1
● Added support for Photon Design’s Kallistos optimizer module, for automatic optimization of laser/PIC devices
● Mode properties are re-evaluated dynamically in response to carrier-induced refractive index changes in the active region
● New “simple active layer model” for straight gain/EAM/simple modulator sections, which provides a simpler alternative to creating a detailed waveguide cross-section
● Material file upgrades:
- Active material properties can now be defined using analytic functions
- Materials can have local variables which can be used in analytic functions
● Spontaneous emission model now allows separate data for TE and TM polarization
● Various bug-fixes

OmniSim Release 7.3
● FDTD Calculator: CAD-like 3D view for both 2D & 3D models.
● FDTD Calculator: Pre-processing step now faster.