
EPIPPROP Version 3.5 Release
EPIPPROP version 3.5. Release information
Added the ability to calculate reflections at waveguide/s

Constructing a Beam Homogenizer Using a Micro Lens Array
Lenslet arrays are implemented in a large spectrum of optical systems. From CCD arrays

Stray Light Analysis (Part 3)
Modelling stray light both correctly and efficiently requires making the most suitable choice from t

Optimizing Color Data in FRED
In many real-world applications of products containing illumination systems, it is imp

Modelling a Phase-Shifting Interferometer
What is a Phase-Shifting Interferometer?
If you have an optics system that requires certain surface

Simulation of DBR Laser
PICWave is a unique simulation software that combines the accurate simulation of laser diodes & SOAs

Stray Light Analysis (Part 2)
In part one of our stray light blog we discussed some of the great tools FRED has to calculate and m

Stray Light Analysis
Stray light is the presence of unintended (and generally unwanted) light paths in your optical syste

Classic Physical Optics
FRED uses "Gaussian Beam Decomposition" for propagating coherent fields through optomechanical syste

Time of Flight Simulations in FRED
Time of flight (ToF) sensing is a key technology in advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) such a