OmniSim is a robust and versatile simulation tool used for the design and optimization of nano-photonic and plasmonic devices. OmniSim is the only software package to include both FDTD and FETD engines.

- Surface Grating Coupler Design Utility for automatic design and optimization of surface grating couplers in both 2D and 3D
- GDSII export/import with structure and array reference support
- FETD Engine - A unique 2D/3D Finite Element Time Domain tool, ideal for modelling plasmonics, metamaterials or graphene-based devices accurately
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- Silicon Photonic Devices
- Ring Resonators
- Gratings
- Plasmonics
- Metamaterials
- Nanophotonics
- Non-linear
- Photonic Crystals
- Optical ring resonator filter
Nano-antennae (bow-tie and nut geometries)
Mie Scattering from a gold cylinder
Light Harvesters
Nonlinear Plasmonics
Wide Bandwidth Grating-Assisted Directional Coupler
Diffraction Grating (RCWA)
Diffraction Grating (FDTD, FETD)
Surface Grating Coupler
- Silicon Nanophotonics
- Q-Factor calculation of photonic crystal cavity
Photonic crystal laser
A temporal soliton (FETD, chi3)
Nonlinear photonic crystal cavity (FDTD, chi3)
Photonic Crystal Y-Junction (with Kallistos)
Bloch Modes of a Photonic Crystal Waveguide
Nonlinear Plasmonics (FETD, surface chi2, volume chi3)
1x2 MMI Butterfly Geometry

Additional Modules for OmniSim
In addition to the OmniSim layout editor, which includes a GDS-II exporter, a wide range of add-ons is available:
Time Domain Engines: FDTD and FETD
The FDTD (Finite-Difference Time-Domain) and FETD (Finite-Element Time-Domain) engines provide versatile time-domain simulation capabilities. FDTD offers a fast and efficient approach for modeling dielectric structures, while FETD excels in the efficient modeling of plasmonics. Both engines include 2D and 3D versions, support 64-bit and multi-core functionality, and are compatible with OmniSim and CrystalWave.
Frequency Domain Engine: FEFD Engine
A cutting-edge 2D Finite Element Frequency Domain Maxwell solver designed for the efficient propagation of electromagnetic fields in arbitrary photonic structures. This engine is compatible with OmniSim and CrystalWave and supports 64-bit and multi-core processing.
RCWA Engine
The Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis (RCWA) engine performs 2D and 3D simulations of light propagation through 1D- and 2D-periodic structures. It is compatible with OmniSim and CrystalWave and offers 64-bit and multi-core support.
CrystalWave Editor
A dedicated editor for photonic crystal design. When combined with OmniSim, the CrystalWave editor enables the creation of various photonic structures.
CrystalWave Band Structure Analyser (requires CrystalWave Editor)
Calculates the band structure of periodic lattices, determining band gaps and Bloch modes.
Clustered FDTD
Allows clustered FDTD simulations on Windows or Linux clusters.
Active FDTD
This module enables the modeling of active structures such as photonic crystal lasers.
An optimization tool integrated with most Photon Design products, designed to automatically enhance photonic device designs with minimal user input.