FRED Videos

How To Series - Beginners

How to Create a Lens
How to Create a Prism
How to Create a Mirror
How to Make a Laser Source
How to Create Custom Objects Using Boolean Operations
How to Apply the Harvey Shack Scatter Model
Three Methods of Measuring Power
How to use the Detector Entity

How To Series - Advanced

How Does FRED Handle Polarization
How to Utilize Measured BSDF data to Create a Scatter Model
How to Create an Optical Source Using an IES File
How to View an Interference Pattern in FRED
How to Integrate Keywords to Optical Designs
How to Rotate an Optical Source
How to Detect Stray Light
How to Create a Thin Film Coating
How to Use the Optimizer
How to Use the Digitizer Function
How to Utilize the Stray Light Tools
How to Create a Hexagonal Array


New FRED v21.42 Release | CBS Inc. FRED Webinars
Modeling LiDAR and Time of Flight Systems with FRED | CBS Inc. FRED Webinars
Overview of Straylight Capability in FRED | CBS Inc. FRED Webinars
Webinar: Learn about FRED's Optimisation capabilities | CBS Inc.
Webinar Series - Part 1: Laser System Modelling with FRED | CBS Inc.
Webinar Series - Part 2: Modelling Diffraction Effects in FRED | CBS Inc.


63 Million Rays in Under 15s | FREDmpc | CBS Inc.
New FRED v21.42 Available Now! | FREDmpc | CBS Inc.
Overview of Straylight Capability in FRED | CBS Inc. FRED Webinars
Perform calculations 100x faster with FREDmpc | CBS Inc.
Unleash your engineering creativity with FREDmpc | CBS Inc.
New FRED Version 22.40 Release | CBS Inc.